Abstract Submission Instruction
Deadline for abstract submission: 12th May 2025
Participants are invited to present the outcome of their research at the 27th ESCV Annual Meeting. Abstracts should be submitted only via a specific platform (link will be announced soon). Abstracts submitted via fax or e-mail will not be accepted.
Abstracts must describe original, previously unpublished work. All abstracts must be submitted and presented in clear English with accurate grammar and spelling of a quality suitable for publication.
Instructions for submitting the abstracts:
1) General style and format:
Oral communication or Poster presentation
Font: Times New Roman
Font size: 11
Text alignment: Justify
Line spacing: single
Maximum of 300 words per abstract (Title, author's names and affiliations are exempt from the 300 words limit)
2) Abstract Title:
Sentence case (only the first letter of the first word should be in capitals)
3) Author name(s) and affiliation(s):
First Name(s): Initials of the first name followed by a dot
Last name: Sentence case
Affiliation(s): Sentence case
An affiliation should consist at least of a country name
4) Please use open lines between paragraphs
5) Headings:
Please use headings if applicable only.
Please use boldface for headings and put the colon in bold too.
If the headings comprise multiple entities, use a starting capital for each entity (e.g. Material and Methods:). If the heading comprises multiple words but only one entity, only the first word has a capital (e.g. Preliminary results:).
If there are subheadings, please use italics for those.
6) Citations / references:
If numbers are used, put them on the line in brackets and before punctuation [1].
7) No graphs/tables/images are allowed.
8) Email address of the abstract submission must be the same used on the registration on the meeting.
9) Topics for abstracts:
- Respiratory viruses
- Viral infections in neonates and children
- Metagenomics in virus diagnostics and surveillance
- One-Health
- Viral Hepatitis/HIV
- Syndromic & point-of-care testing for routine, emerging and seasonal outbreaks
- Emerging and re-emerging viruses - Future pandemics
- Antiviral drugs and vaccines
- Enteroviruses
- Viral Pathogenesis and immune responses
- Climate change and viral disease consequences
- Gastrointestinal viral infections
- Viruses in immunosuppressed/transplant hosts
- Diagnostic innovations/Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Virology
- HPV and other tumor viruses
10) General Information
- Submitted abstracts cannot be modified or corrected after the submission deadline.
- There is no option to save the abstract as draft and to submit it at a later stage. If you do not submit your abstract, the information will be deleted.
- Abstracts must be received by the announced deadline. Abstracts received after the deadline will not be considered.
- The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission of his/her abstract.
- The Committee will endeavor to schedule abstracts according to authors’ preferences but reserves the right to decide on the final form of presentation.
- All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. Notifications regarding status will be sent once the review process is over.
- The Scientific Committee will determine whether abstracts will be accepted as oral or poster presentations, with consideration to be given to the author’s preference.
- The presenting author is expected to attend and register for ESCV 2025 Annual Meeting by the communicated registration deadline and present the poster or oral presentation.
- Submission of the abstract constitutes the author’s consent to publication (e.g. congress website, programs, other promotions, etc.)
After submission you will be sent a confirmation via e-mail that your abstract has been received. If you do not receive the confirmation e-mail within five (5) working days of your submission, please contact the Meeting Secretariat at [email protected]